01942 749141 School Office: Mrs Parkinson, Mrs Lindley

Tan House Drive, Winstanley, Wigan, Greater Manchester, WN3 6JP




At Winstanley, our overriding intention is to help all children, whatever their background, to become happy, confident and independent learners.  Our mission statement, EVERYONE EVERY DAY means we believe every child deserves to succeed and understands how to make a positive contribution to their community and the wider society.

We intend for pupils to develop a deep body of knowledge and a rich vocabulary to achieve the highest possible academic standards.  The well-being and mental health of our pupils is a fundamental part of the curriculum to support the development of the whole child.  We aim for children to develop a strong growth mindset and be well-prepared for their next stage of education and later life.


All National Curriculum subjects are carefully planned and sequenced to ensure there is a progression of skills and knowledge.  The curriculum is personalised to reflect our school’s vision, values and mission statement.  Where appropriate, learning is linked across the curriculum to help children deepen their understanding.  For children with additional needs, teaching is inclusive; enabling all pupils to access mainstream education with their peers.

Reading has a high profile throughout school.  There is a sharp focus on phonics for our younger pupils and a programme of support is in place for children who may need additional help.

Enrichment experiences are weaved throughout school the curriculum to promote enjoyment and enhance learning.


Our children leave us well prepared for the next stage of their learning with strong attainment in all curriculum areas.  They develop a strength of character that embraces respect, tolerance and an understanding of those with different beliefs, cultures and ethnicities.  Pupils are ambitious and have the confidence to embrace challenges and opportunities with resilience and courage. 


Click here to see our Curriculum and Enrichment in action.

For more information about our school curriculum, please contact the Deputy Headteacher, Mrs C Gladman (Curriculum Lead) 01942 749141